3 Ways I Failed as a Blogger

Heyyyy!!! 👋🏾Welcome to my newly re-launched site!!

So much has changed and I have to share!! Mainly three failures that I focused on to turn into strengths. It’s amazing how an L can be turned into a WIN!

Why do I say failures? Well I discovered things that were always there, just had to learn to embrace them!

The first reason I failed was because I was consumed more with how others viewed me. In the last 8 years I had lost all interest in how I presented myself. I learned the root of it was because I grew far too comfortable with being overlooked. I mean no one was paying attention anyhow so why try? I had to change that because deep down or even when I’m alone I’m always focused on my main interest which is styling!

Anyone that knows me well, knows I absolutely love to dress people up or suggest better options based on their personal preference or personality. I’m obsessed with trends and even have events I one day would love to attend from years ago! Even while scrolling through social media I get visuals of outfit ideas or accessories I would love to see some people try on themselves. I’m always piecing together something with no effort! I have countless screenshots of pieces I rotate for different people with different body types because I cannot help myself!

The second reason I failed was I did not have a clear vision of what exactly I wanted as an individual. Recently, someone I look up to told me if I see myself a certain way that’s the way others will treat you. Her words became reality once I started evaluating who I showed up as in life. I learned rather quickly that I needed to heal from some old wounds and I don’t regret any minute of it. This decision affected trajectory of how my life has been now! Healing isn’t just a seasonal thing! It’s an ongoing thing and I’m most thankful that I chose healing. Had I not, the person who gave me some words of advice would not been respected. Why? I would have taken their words as an attack because of the the lense of which I viewed life was a very fragmented and opaque. I discovered as I heal my vision became more clear! Who I’ve always been resurfaced and I got more confident in who I already was.

I even looked up and noticed my friends changed for the better! The friends and Godsister I have are all my best friends every last one! Healing brought the right people to surround me who encourage, love, and most of all push me to be who I’ve always been instead of who I became through comparing myself to others. Thank you ladies!♥️

The final reason I failed was because of COMPARISON! I compared myself to so many people that I gave up on myself. I didn’t realize it until I was told by someone I respect and love that I had to change how I think about myself. The struggle was the body I was in. Who knew what I was telling myself had me in this constant cycle of comparing myself to others by not seeing my own beauty. Just like my vision I had to fix my mindset. This same person also would gently push me to just love on myself and change how I presented myself! The biggest challenge was actually dressing myself up and loving on the woman I am one day at a time.

Today I am now 20 pounds lighter and loving myself along the way of this Journey to 175lbs! I’m not a failure rather I’m an overcomer! I acknowledge my shortcomings and made the necessary adjustments to embrace who I’ve always been! A HUGE plus is my blog underwent a new look as well! I’m excited! Let me know what you think of my site!

A few things I remind myself of daily! Im not quitting on myself! I am beautiful! I am worthy! Im am not my mess…

What challenges are you facing? How can I help you to overcome?

2 responses to “3 Ways I Failed as a Blogger”

  1. This is such a awesome blog, you have always been a beautiful lady inside and out. Keep doing what you do best that is being you. Your story speaks volume to many. Keep sharing ❤️❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much!! I appreciate your words they mean so much!! Love you so much!😘😘♥️♥️


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